Guest expert on...
Start Your Personal Mental Journey To Millions March 30th & 31st in Irvine, CA
February 8, 2017
Tickets to MJM Live are Now On Sale!
Are you ready to become a magnet for unexplainable good fortune?

Would you like more business, more deals, and more opportunities to land in your lap?

How about living your ideal life? That sound good to you?

Unexplainable good fortune.
More business, more deals and more opportunities.
Living your ideal life.

These are just some of the ways to describe what happens when you start on the Mental Journey To Millions.

Business is easier.
Referrals flow.
Opportunities land in your lap.
Relationships improve.
You experience a deeper level of peace, satisfaction and sense of accomplishment.

That sound good to you? Tickets are on sale until Feb 15th.
The Interviews - January 2017
In their own words: The power of MJM
MJM veteran, and top RE/MAX agent Ron Rubin speaks candidly about his life after the Mental Journey To Millions, and what he would do if he were you.
International top Isagenix team leader Ciji Siddons shares her experience with the Mental Journey To Millions program, and why she thinks you should attend.
Former pro baseball player, speaker and coach David Keesee talks about how Matthew’s mindset training helped to quantum leap his success and why the Mental Journey To Millions is a game changer.
Tickets to MJM Live Now On Sale!
January 11,  2017
What does it mean to get on your own 
Mental Journey To Millions?
The Mental Journey To Millions is not a destination... it's a way of being in the world that naturally draws to you the people, resources, ideas and opportunities that are aligned with your biggest dreams.

It's a set of perspectives and skills that make life easy, effortless and enjoyable.

I've taught 1000s of people to use the MJM philosophy to drive their success, and I can teach you too.

So often we buy into the illusion that someday, when X, Y and Z happen, then we will have the life we really want. 

Here are my thoughts on what the mental journey to million is REALLY about, so you can decide if it is for you.
January 6, 2017
The Tease, The Priority List and the best $17 you'll ever spend
To get things started, we created a "teaser video" for the event. It's a quick 44 second intro announcing MJM Live in coming to Irvine March 30th & 31st. In the first 2 weeks, this video was viewed 1000s of times, and was the fuel behind the Priority List filling up to 84% 10 full days before tickets go on sale, far exceeding our goal. This little video did a great job getting people interested in what's to come.
Next, visitors are invited to join the Priority List. As a member of the Priority List you get 24 hour advance access to purchase a ticket before they go on sale to the general public.

Guarantee your seat for just $17! Kristen and I secured a great room at the Hilton, with very limited seating. For those who know they want to attend, this is the ideal way to make sure you don't miss the first live event I've offered in years. Reserve Tickets can be purchased here until January 31st.
December 27, 2016
What I did between Xmas and New Year
Here I am sketching out our first big program for 2017.
I have a confession.

I am slightly obsessed about people living bad-ass lives. Lives filled with fun, passion, play and adventure.

Why? Two reasons.

1. Ever since I can remember I've been on a mission to be happy.

Just happy. Happy no matter what happy. Rich happy. Broke happy. Relationship good Happy. Relationship bad Happy.

You get the idea.

No matter what, I decided long ago that being happy was my highest goal.

2. Being around not-happy people sucks.

Look, this is totally selfish on my part. I LIKE TO HANG AROUND PEOPLE WHO ARE HAPPY.

Not fake happy. Not pretend happy, but their lives are a mess. Not forced happy, when people try to prove everything is AOK.


I selfishly like to work with, coach and train people who are up to something in life. They are lit up... carefree... happy... joyous... and fun.

Those are my peeps.

And so often many of us are happy - to a point.

There are these lingering issues in our lives that rob us of that deep sense of happiness and satisfaction.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Each year between Christmas and New Year, Kristen and I have a mega brainstorming session.

We collect all the ideas from the prior months, and come up with a game plan for how we are going to massively contribute to our tribe in the coming year.

What do our best clients need? What breakthroughs are they looking to have? What can we do to make the biggest impact on their lives in the next 12 months?

And this year we tackled the BIG question: What can we teach that will cause a quantum leap in our clients level of happiness, satisfaction and success?

After 7 days of intensive white boarding, thinking, talking, writing, dreaming and collaborating, we have our final plan.

We are pretty darn excited about it.

Here's the thing you must know: Happy is not a destination. It's a state of being.

Being happy is about the journey. The journey to riches and relationships and radical experiences that make your heart sing.

So, for 2017 we are focused on the JOURNEY... and how to experience profound levels of joy, happiness and flow while you are going after your biggest, craziest dreams.

In a couple of days we are unveiling our big plans for 2017 and how you can be a part of it if you choose.

Stay tuned and Happy New Year.

Products and programs offered by Matthew Ferry & Elevate The Vibe are intended for your personal use only. Teaching this material, or distributing it in any form without permission violates our copyright. Please respect our rights.
Copyright 2016 Matthew Ferry & Elevate The Vibe
All rights reserved.